Jul 9, 2012

Black current cake for Thomas' birthday


300g flour
150g butter
150g sugar
2 egg yolk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 Pk vanilla sugar/ Few drops vanilla aroma
possibly a little milk

For the filling:
500g black/red currents
4 egg white
100g sugar
1 table spoon corn flour
some chopped nuts (almonds, hazelnuts...)

Whipped cream

How to make it: Make a dough out of the ingredients, add some milk if it is too dry, then put into fridge for 1 hour to rest.
Whip up the 4 egg whites, add the sugar and corn flour.
When the dough has rested enough, grease a baking tray, press the dough into it and make sure it is high enough at the edges. Carefully add the currents to the egg white foam and mix. Now pour this mixture onto the cake, top with some chopped nuts if you like, or you can also mix the nuts in with the wgg whites and currents.
Bake at 160°C aproximately 50 min.
Serve with whipped cream.

That's it! It's easy, right? Enjoy :-)

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