Jul 12, 2012

Anton's "Patatas a la riojana":

(If someone has a pic from that day, please post it :-) --> Done)
(for 6 to 8 people)
1 to 1.5 Kg of potatoes
100 mL of extra virgin olive oil
150 g of bacon
200 g of Spanish chorizo
4 red peppers
2 big onions
100 mL of white wine + one glass for the cook
A little bit of paprika
5 drops of Tabasco (optional)

How to make it:
Peel the potatoes, wash them and break them in small pieces (just start with a small cut with the knife and then break the piece).

Put the olive oil in the saucepan and sauté the chopped onions and peppers with the potatoes.
Then, add the chorizo, the bacon and the tabasco drops. Next, add the paprika and quickly add the wine to not burn the paprika. Cover with water and when it is boiling put the heat down and cook it very slowly. Gently move the sauce pan from time to time to get a thicker sauce without smashing the potatoes.

Hope you liked it :-)

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