Dec 9, 2011

Catherina: Großmuttis Hühnerfrikassee (Grandma's chicken fricassee)

This is the ideal combination of winter comfort food and family history. My grandmother used to make this chicken dish and served in a ring of rice (I found that really intriguing), so now I made it for the group - to serve 6 or 8:

Boil a large chicken (1800 to 2200g) with chopped carrots, leek, celery root and a "garnished onion":

(gesteckte Zwiebel - eyes and nose are cloves, the mouth is a couple of bayleaves).

While this is boiling, roll meatballs (500gr mince, pork works well, 1 egg, some finely chopped onion, some breadcrumbs, spice to taste - curry is my favorite) and set them aside. Cut 250 gr of mushrooms in half, cut 4 cm pieces of 250 gr of asparagus (usually green, white when it is in season use it!). By the time you have done that, your chicken broth should take shape - scoop some out and boil the veggies and meatballs for about 5 minutes - fish them out and set them aside. Take the chicken out of the broth (after about 1.5 hours), let it cool off. Prepare a roux (melt about 50 gr butter, whisk in flour until you have a paste, start adding small amounts of broth (including the broth that you boiled the meatballs and vaggies in), keep whisking, repeat until you have the amount/consistency you want). Add meatballs, veggies, chicken meat and a couple of spoonfuls of capers - season to taste and serve with rice.

I don't have the picture of the finished thing - anyone?

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