Here is how Zhen works the magic:
Cook the ribs with five-spice powder soup for 30 mins, with ginger and salt
Key point: with pressure cooker
Double-cooked pork slices
Materials: Pork, Leek, ginger, salt, aniseed, hot pepper, Pricklyash Peel
1) cook soup with ginger, salt, aniseed, hot pepper, Pricklyash until boiled
2) put the port (the whole one) into the boiled soup for 5 mints
3) take out of only the pork until its cooled
4) cut the pork as very thin slices
5) put oil in the hot pan and cook for 3 mins
6) adding some black bean source in oil and cook for another 3 mins
7) adding the sliced pork in the pan fry for 5 mins
8) adding cutted leek in the pan and mix with the pork, adding a bit salt and cook for 5mins
9) ready to serve
Chinese noodle
Materials: Chinese noodle, cucumber
1. noodle source including soy sauce, Chinese vinegar, aniseed Powder, pepper oil, sesame oil, sugar, garlic, ginger, leek, peanuts powder
2. cook the noodle with boiled water for 5 mints, take out the noodle and watering with cold water to prevent the hot noodl to stick together
3. adding some olive oil to mix with noodle
4. ready to serve: mix this noodle, sliced cucumber as well as the source
Cumin lamb
Materials:Lamb, cumin, potato, ginger
1) Cut the lamb, ginger and potato into small pieces
2) Fried the lamb with ginger, cumin and salt for 5 mins
3) Adding the potato together and fry for another 8 mins
4) Ready to serve